Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Updated OntarioMD Funding Terms and Conditions

OntarioMD has updated the terms and conditions for New EMR Adopters, now allowing unaffiliated solo and duo practitioners funded access to OntarioMD Certified Local EMR Products such as OSCAR.

The new T's&C's, dated Jan. 5, 2010, now offer new choices for implementation:

1) a certified ASP EMR solution and use it as per ASP EMR Vendor’s and OntarioMD’s best practices, including: 
2) a certified Local EMR solution hosted at a Participating Physician’s office and either:
2a) Join and maintain membership in and participate fully in the Vendor Collaborative Network (“VCN”) for the chosen Local EMR, and as per the VCN’s and OntarioMD’s best practices, including:
2b) Sign OntarioMD’s EMR System Management Independent Undertaking, which includes undertaking the following as per industry and OntarioMD best practices: 
These changes to the OMD EMR funding program terms and conditions reflect a positive enhancement for many solo/duo practitioners across Ontario.

1 comment:

mikepray said...

Unfortunately, in midstream they are changing the rules for early adapters, by applying new adapter rules to early adapters....creating no end of confusion.