Even within a single practice, your daily workflow may change over the course of the week. You may find that some days, your workload is driven by an appointment schedule, while other days, it is driven by rounds at the hospital, extended care facility, or with several house calls.
The ability to support different workflow models has long been embedded within the OSCAR and CAISI systems, but in the past you've always had to make the choice - schedule vs caseload workflow management.
Now, as a result of an extensive integration effort, you can have both workflows enabled at the same time.
So on Monday, you can visit St. Mungo's...
... Tuesday to Friday, you meet your scheduled patients in your office...
... and Saturday, you can make your rounds in the Nebuchadnezzar...
Of course, you may decide that the caseload manager isn't just for rounds, but may be useful for tracking and grouping specific patients that may be of particular interest to you. Perhaps they are part of a clinical trial, being managed by a resident, or are recently recovering from a procedure.
You know your patients the best. OSCAR gives you the tools to care for them more efficiently.
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